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- ANSI Exam
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Featured Food Safety Training
- California Food Handler Card - $7.00
- California Food Manager – $99.00
- Florida Food Handler – $10.00
- Illinois Food Manager – $99.00
- Louisiana Food Handler - $6.00
- Massachusetts Food Manager – $99.00
- New York Food Handler – $5.00
- Texas Food Handler – $7.00
- Texas Food Manager & Exam – $94.99
- Texas Food Manager Exam (Online) – $35.00
- Utah Food Handler Training & Permit - $21.95
Food Manager ANSI Certification Exam
Nationally Accredited
Exam Duration: 1.5 Hours
The Learn2Serve ANSI-Accredited Exam is accepted in all states that have mandatory food manager requirements. The certification will be valid for a maximum period of 5 years.
The Exam is scheduled online and proctored by a 3rd party test center near you. * Except for Texas - which is entirely online. Learn More

Why is Food Safety Training & Certification necessary?
Food safety and sanitation are integral to operating a successful food service. The safety of our food supply is a responsibility shared by consumers, producers, sellers and handlers. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) estimates that because of foodborne illness 76 million people fall ill, 325,000 are hospitalized and 5,000 Americans die annually.
- Food safety training not only affects the sales and continued patronage of an establishment, but also public safety.
- Businesses are more likely to hire and pay higher wages to food safety trained employees.
- Many states require certification of food managers which may include a food safety exam.
- ANSI accreditation helps assure quality and safety of food products, systems, services, and personnel.
Food Handler Training
Food handler safety training is necessary for employees in the food service and hospitality industry. Individuals working in food facilities who are involved in preparing, storing, or handling food are required to obtain a Food Handler’s Card. This includes food employees that work in restaurants, cafes, bakeries, delis, mobile vendors, food trucks, bars, and convenience stores – such as chefs, cooks, servers, preparers, caterers and managers.
Food Manager Certification
Our Learn2Serve Food Protection Manager Certification is approved by the American National Standards Institute and the Conference for Food Protection (ANSI-CFP). This accredited exam is state-accepted for food manager certification requirements for Food Management Professionals. The candidate must pass the food safety examination from an accredited certification provider to be recognized as a Certified Food Protection Manager.